Más resiliencia a través de la cooperación

  • This knowledge exchange is a manifestation of the great partnership we have forged with WFP. The best practices of the Dominican social protection system will always be available to our sister countries, especially the Caribbean countries. 
  • We cannot prevent a catastrophe from hitting our land and our people, but we can surely be ready to respond efficiently, regardless of the magnitude of the phenomenon. 
  • Climate change is a reality. As individuals, we don´t have sufficient financial resources to find solutions to this great problem, but if we join forces, I am sure that we can strengthen the efficiency of the tools and mechanisms needed to protect our countries.

Señor William Vigil, Representante del Programa Mundial de Alimentos;

Señor Alessandro Legrotaglie, Representante del Banco Mundial;

Señor Carmelo Gallardo, Representante de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura;

Señor Gianluca Grippa, Embajador de la Unión Europea en República Dominicana;

Señora Inka Mattila, Representante del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo;

Señor Héctor Medina, Director General del Sistema Único de Beneficiarios;

Delegados y Representantes de los países hermanos del Caribe Anglófono;

Miembros del Cuerpo Diplomático;

Funcionarios y Funcionarias;

Amigos todos y todas:

Estas palabras serán en inglés en reconocimiento a nuestros invitados.

I am pleased to welcome you on this warm Caribbean night, to the National Palace of our country, our true symbol of struggles and efforts for the welfare of the Dominican people.

When I think of the extraordinary work we have accomplished with the World Food Program, I can only feel proud, happy and satisfied, because we have made positive changes to the lives of many people.

The fight against hunger and malnutrition touches the most sensitive fibers of my whole being because I have witnessed the shortcomings of these people and I thank God because I’ve been allowed to work towards a positive change in the wellbeing of my country.

And I’ve been blessed twice because finding partners who share the values we promote allows us to do our job even better.

This knowledge exchange is a manifestation of the great partnership we have forged with WFP. The best practices of the Dominican social protection system will always be available to our sister countries, especially the Caribbean countries.

I am very pleased to share all of this valuable information, which comes as a result of all these years of management.

The Dominican Republic can show the best practices of the social protection system, in particular with regard to data management, focalization, vulnerability index and disaster risk analysis.

Every year, our countries are placed on the path of hurricanes, so it is very clear that we must be prepared and strengthen our capacity to respond to natural disasters.

We cannot prevent a catastrophe from hitting our land and our people, but we can surely be ready to respond efficiently, regardless of the magnitude of the phenomenon.

Climate change is a reality. As individuals, we don´t have sufficient financial resources to find solutions to this great problem, but if we join forces, I am sure that we can strengthen the efficiency of the tools and mechanisms needed to protect our countries.

That is the spirit of this exchange.

You can be assured that the Dominican Republic will always have our doors open because solidarity is a value we all have in common.

I thank WFP and the donor countries for promoting this initiative. I congratulate SIUBEN for its commitment to this meeting that I celebrate with great enthusiasm.

I hope it serves to unite our people even more.

The Dominican Republic will always await you with open arms and a sea of hope.

God bless you! Thank you.

Post by administrador

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